Wednesday, May 19, 2004

New Television Season - Will the Networks Blow It This Year???

Major ratings cash cows have gone bye-bye this year. Goodbye "Friends," so long "Frasier," see ya "The Practice." Fox, at one time considered an innovator, is falling apart; how "unfunny" can "The Simpsons" get before they'll take it off the air? Why'd they put "Firefly" (a couple of seasons ago) in such a horrible time slot, then cancel it? CBS killed "Becker" by moving it and messing with the cast. "Forever Eden" got shoved around so that it couldn't be found. "10.5" reeled us in with its potential to shake the reputation of "made for T.V." movies, then buried us with its earth shattering stupidity. "10-8" brought us characters that you could respect and tune into each week, but the net-execs decided that characters with character had no place on the air.

I blame the Neilson Ratings. In my opinion, it's an outdated system that doesn't accurately represent the needs and trends of the viewing population. I think that newer technologies such as Text messaging, Cable box and/or DVR reporting, coupled with basic market segmentation techniques will give ratings 1000 times more accurate than sampling a select set of hand-picked viewers.

Oh well, perhaps I'll read more books next season.


At 9:20 AM, Blogger Kristen said...

We've been asking ourselves the same question about the Simpsons for years. *sigh* My latest annoyance has been the abrupt cancellation of Wonderfalls - I was actually starting to look FORWARD to a tv show again, and POOF. Ahhh, well. I can't say I was surprised, after they cancelled John Doe, which had been the PREVIOUS reason for looking forward to nighttime tv on Fox. [insert unflattering phrase for Fox execs]


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